2024 Chairs

Raul Portela
Equinor´s Operations Vice President

Maria Celia Ximenes
Chevron General Manager, Marine Technical & Projects

Leonardo Carneiro
Head of Production Excellence at Shell

Flávio Fernando Casa Nova
Petrobras Executive Manager for Surface, Refining, Gas and Energy Systems

Carlos Mastrangelo
BRAVA energia’s COO

Raul Portela
Equinor´s Operations Vice President
Event Chair

César Cunha de Souza
Petrobras Executive Manager for SRGE
Event Chair

Carlos Mastrangelo
Enauta's COO
Honorary Chair

Leonardo Carneiro
Head of Production Excellence at Shell
Technical Chair

Marcelo Ramis
Operational Efficiency General Manager at Petrobras
Technical Chair
SPE Members that are
supporting the FPSO Symposium

Guilherme Castro
Petrobras Senior Engineer

Dhaiara Machida
Member of the Pelotas Federal University Student Chapter

Dhaiara Machida
Member of the Pelotas Federal University Student Chapter

Nathália Monteiro
SPE Young Professional Member and Shell Petroleum Engineer
The FPSO Symposium’s fourth edition will will happen on the 23rd and 24th of September 2025 and is one of the most significant Floating, Production, Storage and Offloading events in the world.
The third edition occurred in September 2024, with Petrobras, MODEC, RelayOnNutec, Equinor, Chevron, Ecopetrol, BRAVA, Yinson, and ABS sponsorship. With almost three hundred audience members, 15% more than the 2023 second edition, from many operators, consultants, and service companies.
The geographical conditions and the remote location of the Deep Waters reservoirs, notably the deep pre-salt giant fields, present a favorable environment for FPSO platforms.
Despite already having the most significant number of FPSOs in operation for many years, there are still accurate projections for the entry of many other FPSOs into production during the following years.
Based on this scenario, the Brazilian Society of Petroleum Engineers – SPE, through its Sections Brazil and Macaé, will hold the fourth edition of SPE Symposium FPSO 2025 to have professionals from different areas together to share lessons learned and discuss the next generations of FPSOs. Integrating multidisciplinary knowledge is essential for consolidating the worldwide chain of FPSOs design, management, operation, and construction necessary in the coming years.
In addition to the special sessions, there are technical roundtables to discuss critical challenges.
The event will be at Windsor Florida Hotel – R. Ferreira Viana, 81 – Flamengo, Rio de Janeiro – RJ, Brazil. The language is English, and professionals from other countries are very welcome.